These buttons represent a day and age when one needed to be self sufficient, and resourceful. A day when they wasted less. Living thru WWII had its challenges, ladies learned to cut the buttons off worn out shirts and to save them for something later. They would use the worn shirt as rags or hankies, or re purpose it to fit another need. The buttons were saved for an outfit they would make in the future or to replace a missing button on another shirt. This jar is an inspiration!
I had a few orders come in this week. They were all for local people who knew exactly what color they wanted. I put together a few barrettes in each color, and they picked the ones they wanted. I was able to use some of these buttons to enhance my creations.

I made this one for my ape baby. This button was the perfect accent. Simple!
Here are a few of my left overs barrettes. I love doing business this way! It find it so much easier to know what colors a person wants and for what occasion. It makes it more personal.

I bought these zippers five years ago and have finally found something to do with them! I really should take a picture of many zippers I do have. Maye next time...

This is one of my favorite ribbon barrettes! I love the colors.

I made this headband. I absolutely love it!! It looks great with a barrette and stunning without. I have already been asked to make a green one for friend (unfortunately the flittering butterfly closed the window befor I could document the URL of the blog I got it from. So if I stole the idea from you let me know so I can link it to your page!)
If you are interested in any of these beauties or want me to create something special for you email me at sales at roeckerfam dot com $2.50 shipping and handling for first item and $0.20 for each item after FREE on orders over $25

I LOVE the flowers made out of zippers! They are so cute!