Next week we lose two great people in our congregation. They have been serving a two year mission (the whole 24months being spent with us). We wanted to honor them in a special way for all the love and support they have given to us during their time here in Indian country. Two of the most wonderful people you will ever meet!!
A friend of mine asked if I would help her out with putting together a farewell gift. She had the idea I just did the leg work and helped piece it together and tie it. We sewed a 80 something hearts on scrap pieces of material and grabbed our fabric pens. We then had members of our congregation write love notes to them. Once we had them all back we got to sewing.
She was so surprised we got away without her knowing anything about it. She had no idea!

I was a dork and only brought my wide angle lens so I didn't get a photo of the whole thing and both of their faces LOL I love the Hero heart right in the middle!

Some many wonderful things were written. It was fun for everyone to lay it out on the floor and find their message and read some of the ones we mailed off and got back.

I was a dork and only brought my wide angle lens so I didn't get a photo of the whole thing and both of their faces LOL I love the Hero heart right in the middle!

Some many wonderful things were written. It was fun for everyone to lay it out on the floor and find their message and read some of the ones we mailed off and got back.

Since these missionaries are from Maine we thought we would make this a poofy quilt. We added triple batting, I know you can't really tell but it is super poofy, great for those New England winters.
I love this idea and will use it again in the future. Granted my kids better be a little older so I don't have to lay the pieces out a million times after Ape baby steals a few or Emo boy races his cars across it. What a lovely memory they have that is so personal from every member of our congregation!
Plus I had so much fun hanging out with my friend Kathie for hours on end talking all kind of nonesense! Love you Kathie!
that is beautiful! What a wonderful gift!