So we made each one of the kids something homemade this year. Granted I can't seem to remember for the life of me what we made our lil Ape baby...hmm.
It was fun. We included the kids in on it to. Everyone got a piece of artwork from our Emo child. And the older two helped with a few of the other projects. It was so fun to see them wrap the present and know they had made it. I love those smiles! and the memories of sewing, wood working, and designing are priceless.
The necklace I made for Flittering Butterfly. I had made her another one (check it out in this post) and decided it was just to old for her and gave it away. This one suits her personality better and was the perfect match for her Christmas outfit Grandma bought her.
I got the idea of a Zhu Zhu pet bed from my sister in-law. She made these HERE.
I asked Flittering Butterfly if she wanted to make one for the Sensitive child and she designed this for her brother. I helped sew the curves but she did all the rest. He was thrilled (until his Zhu Zhu pet landed in a toilet full of urine and quickly found his way to the trash YUCK!) I still need to replace it...For now his sisters Zhu Zhu pet has been making good use of the bed LOL

A week before Christmas Emo boy declared all he wants for Christmas is an airplane. I was not about to spend another penny or brave the over trafficked stores, so Soldier boy went out to the garage and put this together with the Sensitive child.
Emo boy quickly made it his own and named his plane "iLRAYo"

This is a bad picture. I took it right before my Mother inlaw was about to pack it up.
I made her a chalk board out of an old cabinet door. I love it! I need to make myself one.
I also discovered chalk markers! I use these all the time now.
I made this for a girl friend. (A lady at church helped me with the colors Thank goodness) I am not so good at that sort of thing. I have a frame to make one for myself I just have to get around to deciding where I want to put it and then agonize over colors again.
I love any excuse to craft LOL but to give them all away makes it that much more fun!
So there you have Christmas creations. I have been so overwhelmed with trying to post this-that wasn't too bad. Now I can start sharing what we have been up to since Christmas :-)
Can I vote for a "How To" on your sweet girl's necklace? I'd love to make those for Isabella & Maddie adorable! You are an awesome crafter!