I grew up in a family of three girls. Both of my sisters are amazing people! Both very talented! I often feel like I was the one left behind when they handed out talents in our family.
My sister K owns two marble slab ice cream stores. She can make amazing cakes. She was an amazing gymnast all thru school. People are drawn to K! She knows how to be a listening ear. She has a real knack for writing little rhymes for advertising and can memorizing things with such little effort. She got the skinny legs and thighs in the family. She is definitely the artist, and it shows on her cakes.

My Sister D- is there anything she can't do? She can act, sing, mother, dress, shop on a budget, does amazing things with her hair, bake, cook, sew, the list goes on...At 13yrs old she was teaching me (21yr) how to cook- I could burn water! She has lived with me several times over the years, and taught me a lot of what she knows. Now that she has her own family, and is off having her own adventures, she has found ways to keep herself busy. Her passion is sewing. After a lot of prodding she has finally opened her
own etsy shop-PinksNaptimeEscape. So to celebrate her Grand opening (like a week ago- that's how slow I am) she has offered one of her creations for me to give away!

This tied baby blanket and matching burp rag could be yours!
Great to wrap your little one in, or to add to your hope chest, or to give away as a baby gift.
Now she is new at this etsy stuff. She wants to know what the general public like, and to get her name out there. So to qualify for this give away all you have to do is 1-2-3.
1. click
HERE and check her out
2. leave a comment below tell her which item is your favorite listing(with an email address so we can contact you)
3. cross your fingers you win this beauty!
NOW if you want an
extra chance to win I will put your name in twice if you post this on your facebook or blog (we love to check out new blogs!)
My favorite design is her butterfly. My Ape baby had the most adorable onsie with the butterfly appliqued to it! Now tell me what's yours.
This giveaway expires at midnight MST July 31, 2011