I don't sell a whole lot of bows. I am not the best business woman! I love to craft but hate marketing, and putting myself out there. From time to time by word of mouth I get a few orders. Some know exactly what they want, others just give me freedom with a color scheme. This month I had a few back to back orders that took me a few weeks to complete. I tried out a lot of new bow tutorials. It was so fun and challenging! My girls were thrilled as they got a few new bows in the process.
I will give credit where due, linking to the tutorials I used. Some of these flowers I found tutorials for long ago and have no idea who to give credit. 
These are some from my first order. MK has two girls. She wanted a few neutral, and then pink and purples to match her girls outfits.

I recently discovered covered buttons. I love them!

Here is another variation of the burnt edge flower. I also made these in pink and white satin

These are my favorite Sunday barrettes. They are time consuming but its worth the effort. I found if I hold the middle of each petal over the flame it gives it a little extra dimension.

These are my new favorite barrettes! A mindless sort of activity, I can sit in front of the TV hand stitching and gathering ribbon then get to assembling them later. I learned from this one fish line works really well and hides well on multicolored ribbon.
I found this tutorial
Another variation

These ones took me a few tries to get right. I was too lazy to use a needle and thread so I used a little hot glue. Once again a covered button really finishes it off.
This tutorial I found
hereOrder #2 was for homecoming. Ks Mom wanted "big" cheer bows

I don't normally make big bows. This was definitely a first for me. Please she wanted them on the snap clips not the alligator type clips. I learned when using the snap clips, glue the bow on while the clip is open, then after a few minutes close it and then open it a few times. Otherwise it is rather stiff.
I definitely need to work on my big bow making ability.
Order #3 was for the big OU game this weekend. Ms. G needed a few "little" clips for her baby. I forgot to take picture before delivering them. But I am sure she wore them proudly after their big win!!
My girls were so excited to get a few new bows of their own.

These babies are so super easy and super cute!!
I found the tutorial
This is Ape Babies favorite. She wore it all last week! Another covered button

I made this for my flittering butterfly. She loves Zebras.
It was fun putting my bow making skills to work. A friend dropped by one day and kept me company while she made a few of her own. Another friend dropped by the most delicious spring rolls so I didn't have to break for lunch.

My little Mr. Emo made me a few bows of his own.

My living room is grateful to be rid of all evidence of a week of no cleaning, neglect and the brimming boxes of craft supplies decorating every empty corner.
Back to life as normal.
Hello, my name is Kelsey and I'm a senior in high school on our varisty cheerleading team. I saw the photo of your "big bows" on google and fell in love with the third bow and wondered if you could possibly tell me how to make them for m team. Our coach usually makes our bows and theyre usually three things of ribbon tied in a knot..haha. So I'd love to make them or my squad. My email is clary.kelsey@yahoo.com and if you could, we would all very much appreciate it. Thank you so much!