About the only interesting thing we did was enjoy the first of our flock...
Meet Top Dog. Isn't he beautiful?! He has the most gorgeous colors and the most beautiful crow!
Recently he has gotten quite aggressive with the other chickens so he had to go! :-(

This is my soldier boy getting up enough guts to do the deed. He has "chicken"-ed out a few times all ready. Neither one of us has ever killed, and butchered a chicken before...

Did you know that if you hang a chicken upside down by its feet it goes limp and is very calm?
Well I will spare you the in between images but this is what top dog now looks like.
Yummy chicken and dumplings!
For as much slack as we got for trying rooster meat, we enjoyed it. The meat wasn't tough or nasty at all. I could have added more salt, but that was easy to fix. It will be a few more months until the younger chickens will be ready for another meal, but in the mean time we will enjoy our one laying hen and the last of our chicken and dumplings.
I am taking the week off to get my house in order and organize myself. We have a big 1st birthday coming up, I am finishing another UFO (UnFinished Objects), and we are starting to plan a big surprise bedroom makeover. I am very excited to share with you our projects!
That looks so yummy! I haven't made chicken and dumplings for years. Maybe we'll have it next week.